We are in a bear market. And that applies to the stock market as well as the crypto market. It is hard to tell how long this will last. But the economy will not get any better next year. It is going to be a rough patch ahead. Due to its growth and impact, the crypto market attracts many people. It is the hype cycle. The ones that stay for the long run might eventually be paid off.
In the meantime, it is a nasty bear market. The size of the market is decreasing. It is worse than zero-sum. It is negative-sum. That leads to conflicts. That is just human nature. Mimetic theory states that conflicts happen when people fight about the same things. Wonder why Twitter is a “war zone”? Everyone is fighting for attention. Great conflicts happen when people want the same things. During bull markets, people are more concerned about themselves than others. During bear market, there is a lot of tribalism and there is a lot of in-fighting between groups that are similar.
In the bear market easy money disappears, and the ones just looking for a quick buck are usually caught red-handed. Only when the tide goes out that do you discover who's been swimming naked. The good news is that bear markets are the best for builders. There is less competition for talent, and the true believers are the ones that stay. If you are a builder, forget the noise and BUILD! The score will take care of itself.